Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fifth Blog


Students start learning multiplication even earlier these days, compared to back when I was in school.  It seems they are even teaching it as early as first grade.  Kids really are much smarter now, and while I'm sure that many of the multiplication facts are not memorized by then, it is great to introduce students to multiplication.

I will say that I really enjoyed learning multiplication in fourth grade.  I liked memorizing the times tables.  I thought a few of them were easy like 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 11 and as a kid I thought the 9's tricks were neat.  I do remember my teacher reminding the students that multiplication is adding the same number multiple times together.

There are a few different actions that teachers can remind students to help them learn multiplication.  When multiplying, the numbers can be multiplied in any order to find the answer, example 5x7=35 and 7x5=35.  Any number multiplied by zero is zero, example 8x0=0.  Any number multiplied by 1 remains that specific number, example 5x1=5.  Multiplication is basically repeated addition, example 5+5+5+5=20 and 5x4=20.

Some ideas on teaching elementary school students about multiplication.
  • Use manipulatives and group same objects together.
  • Have students draw arrays, and then add up the dots.
  • Make sure student understand that multiplication is repeated addition.
  • Have student memorize one times table at a time, prior to moving on to others.
  • Teach different algorithms so students can use their preferred method.
  • Lattice method
  • Partial products method

Some helpful websites for learning multiplication.



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